Glazing Inspections

Our specialist glazing inspections are conducted throughout the UK by our Technical Team to enable our clients to accurately identify any health and safety hazards associated with their glazing systems. Each glazing inspection is tailored to meet the exact requirements of our clients. We typically cover all or part of a buildings envelope including curtain walling, glazed roofs, canopies, windows, skylights & rooflights and internal glazing such as balustrades and glazed screens.

Our Glazing Refurbishments surveying team can conduct full inspections of your glazing system regardless of the location by utilising our specially trained access teams that are experts in operating a range of cradles, gantry systems, mobile platforms and abseil rope access. Our inspections can include thorough water testing of the glazing system and can even be priced to include spot remedial repairs whilst the inspection is taking place.

Our Guarantee
Like all our services offered, Glazing Refurbishment will ensure the works are carried out causing minimal disruptions to the building occupants.

Upon inspection completion a photographic schedule of defects are included within a detailed report issued to our clients, highlighting defects with the glazing system and any health and safety concerns. A list of recommended remedial repairs to ensure a fully serviceable and compliant glazing system is provided upon completion, alongside a fully costed proposal.

Our glazing condition surveys are used by clients in a variety of applications to include; meeting annual health and safety audit requirements, assisting in the production of scope of works for tenders and to conduct general health checks as part of a good working practise.

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High Level Glazing Inspection

Glazing Refurbishments are industry experts in high level glazing inspections. Our specialist glazing technical teams have over the years been responsible for inspecting some of the country’s highest glazed building structures. This vast experience has allowed us to hone our high level glazing inspection techniques and access methods so our teams can completely inspect the highest glazed structures and most difficult to access areas of a buildings envelope. Like all of our glazing inspections, our high level glazing surveyors we will meet yourself on site to ascertain the best access method to conduct the inspection. Upon inspection completion, we will issue a full photographic report detailing the defects found, followed by an itemised quotation to rectify the defects found and to assist with future budgeting.

Health and Safety Glazing Inspection

Health and Safety Glazing Inspection and Reports are becoming increasingly required and used by a variety of sectors in order to assess the glazing condition onsite and ensure that both tenants and the general public are safe. Our health and safety glazing inspections consist of a full inspection to all onsite glazing / windows or we can specifically inspect an area of concern. During the inspection, items inspected will include frame condition and existing glass condition / conformity as well as surface seals, all moving components, fixings and hardware. Like all our other glazing inspections, our Health and Safety inspections include a photographic schedule of defects within a detailed report. The report is issued to the client highlighting and health and safety issues with the glazing system. A list of recommended remedial repairs to ensure a fully serviceable and compliant glazing system alongside a fully costed proposal are also submitted to our client.

Our Services

Take a look at our full list of services, or learn how we’ve delivered industry leading solutions through our in-depth case studies.

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Book an inspection from the UK’s leading Glazing Refurbishment Company.