Cladding Inspections

GR have a specialist cladding division able to undertake independent condition surveys of cladding systems on all types of commercial, industrial, public and residential buildings.

If cladding located within the external envelope fails it can result in water ingress issues, or create a Health & Safety concern if the panels become loose or detached.

Our Guarantee
Like all our services offered, Glazing Refurbishment will ensure the works are carried out causing minimal disruptions to the building occupants.

GR utilising a combination of mechanical access, onsite fixed access provisions and rope abseil technicians are able to offer a cost effective zoned or full envelope inspection and review for all your externally located glazing and cladding.

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All inspections are supported by detailed photographic reports with costed remedial options and solutions included.

To find out more about our cladding or glazing inspection services please get in touch via our contact form.

Water ingress issues
Loose or detached cladding panels
Intrusive surveys to establish insulation, details of internal mounting structure, presence and construction of firestops
Removal and testing of cladding insulation, integrity checks to all fixing/mounting rails and internal structure details and defects

Our Services

Take a look at our full list of services, or learn how we’ve delivered industry leading solutions through our in-depth case studies.

Book a Site Survey

Book an inspection from the UK’s leading Glazing Refurbishment Company.