GR were tasked to remove and refurbish this extensive high level internal glass feature wall.

The opaque toughened oversized panels were fixed into position utilising a hook and pin mounting system.

GR removed carefully and in a controlled operation every single large glass panel working around and above this very vibrant and busy atrium/thoroughfare.

After the glass panels had been removed,  extensive re-engineering works were undertaken to the secondary bracketry by the GR High Level Commercial Glazing Team supported by our in house Structural Engineering Department.

Finally the large opaque panels were placed back into position, secured and cleaned down and handed over to yet another satisfied and happy GR Client.

Delivery was achieved with a combination of mechanical access in the form of specialist spider platforms, the introduction of a new fall arrest internal wired system installed and commissioned by the GR Abseil Department and pneumatic suction lifters and electric winches.

Also deployed was the innovative in house designed GR secondary lifting system – playing its part in keeping our Clients staff and visitors below safe and secure at all times.

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